Let's be real, It’s Time to Confess
The mind is so powerful that the builders of this world have materialized in the world what has started from their imagination.
The mind is so powerful that the builders of this world have materialized in the world what has started from their imagination.
By now, most people have heard that race is only a social construct; yet, the impact that its integration in the lives of those who have had to endure it made this propaganda become as real as the air we breathe. Knowing this really turns my stomach around. And what aches it even more is when people pretend everything is fine and that we should all move along because their is nothing to see here.
And it is even worst when the message comes from people whose lives have been improved because of iconic figures like Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks, the Black Panthers, and the list goes on.
And it is even worst when the message comes from people whose lives have been improved because of iconic figures like Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks, the Black Panthers, and the list goes on.
And sadly, the approach by most of these people, who have benefited from the fruit of activism, is to project a blunt tone filled with hate which identifies the contemporary freedom fighters of our generation by these four letters: FFBC. What is this unknown acronym stands for? FFBC is the abbreviation of anyone who is Fighting For Black Causes.
Notably, what has most people scratching their head with amazement is how these delivery persons astonishingly come from all the spectrum on the rainbow. However, the fact that gets our most undivided attention is that most of these delivery people are black. They will even support 45 for outrageous statements like the biased one he made about both sides of the protest being at fault (from his response after Charlottesville).

Comparing Black Lives Matter to the Alt Right is like comparing flour to baking soda because they have the same color.
Notably, what has most people scratching their head with amazement is how these delivery persons astonishingly come from all the spectrum on the rainbow. However, the fact that gets our most undivided attention is that most of these delivery people are black. They will even support 45 for outrageous statements like the biased one he made about both sides of the protest being at fault (from his response after Charlottesville).

Comparing Black Lives Matter to the Alt Right is like comparing flour to baking soda because they have the same color.
In their personal search for power, Blacks who support Trump, close the curtain of oppression while the whole world can still hear all the noise behind the veil; asking them to take a look would be like asking them to give all their money away to enter heaven.
With racism being as big as the elephant in the room, I wonder how much we all aspire to live in a color blind society. And, how far are we from the day from the vision of MLK to see the mountain top?
Despite all the different ways white supremacists continue to humiliate those who are different from them, those who advocate for maintaining the status quo continue to press their message even harder?
I guess that as long as you are part of the family, you know your place; thus, it is okay to eat breadcrumbs. As I seek for enlightenment from the Bible, is that the kind of life they are asking us to aspire for?
I guess that as long as you are part of the family, you know your place; thus, it is okay to eat breadcrumbs. As I seek for enlightenment from the Bible, is that the kind of life they are asking us to aspire for?
Matthew 15:26-27
Jesus responded, "It isn't right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs." "Yes it is, Lord," she said. "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."
If that does not leave a bitter taste in your mouth, I have no idea what will. For too long, to say the least, non Whites have been asked to live in the shadows of the referential example of Caucasians.
They have even starred dogs and kangaroos in movies while Jesse Owens was denied the right to access his own ceremony from the regular entrance.
Forget Hitler - it was America that snubbed black Olympian Jesse Owens
"Owens was given a tickertape parade in New York. But when he arrived at the Waldorf Astoria hotel for a reception in his honour, he was instructed to take the service lift rather than the normal guest lift, which was reserved for whites."
Even the Amazing Grace song written by The former slaver and preacher, who was asking for repentance, never in the song did he mentioned why he was asking for that amazing grace from God.
They have even starred dogs and kangaroos in movies while Jesse Owens was denied the right to access his own ceremony from the regular entrance.
Forget Hitler - it was America that snubbed black Olympian Jesse Owens
"Owens was given a tickertape parade in New York. But when he arrived at the Waldorf Astoria hotel for a reception in his honour, he was instructed to take the service lift rather than the normal guest lift, which was reserved for whites."
Even the Amazing Grace song written by The former slaver and preacher, who was asking for repentance, never in the song did he mentioned why he was asking for that amazing grace from God.
If it was not for Dr Joy de Gruy Leary’s video,
Black Awakening John Newton
& Dick Gregory’s video,
Dick Gregory Calls Black People Stupid For Singing The Amazing Grace,
I would not have seen that once again, even if it was about us (Blacks), we were not even mentioned. Furthermore, there were no intention to mention any traces by non Whites in history books in America.
In a text about displaying racism from Trump, Coates expressed his racist's perspective about Blacks, “that modern recasting of the old American precept that black people are not fit to be citizens of the country they built.”
Even the idea of the Statue of Liberty which could have been design after a black woman has sparked controversy. Whether it was true or not, why was it so controversial?
Doesn’t it make sense that Blacks would want to fight for their freedom. Isn’t it what liberty has been all about, so why should it have been such a big deal?
Black Awakening John Newton
& Dick Gregory’s video,
Dick Gregory Calls Black People Stupid For Singing The Amazing Grace,
I would not have seen that once again, even if it was about us (Blacks), we were not even mentioned. Furthermore, there were no intention to mention any traces by non Whites in history books in America.
In a text about displaying racism from Trump, Coates expressed his racist's perspective about Blacks, “that modern recasting of the old American precept that black people are not fit to be citizens of the country they built.”
Even the idea of the Statue of Liberty which could have been design after a black woman has sparked controversy. Whether it was true or not, why was it so controversial?
Doesn’t it make sense that Blacks would want to fight for their freedom. Isn’t it what liberty has been all about, so why should it have been such a big deal?
As Blacks, this is why we fight. And while we see that not only some people are not appalled, while we should, and even worst, they undermine the situation.
'Any black man who wasn't a militant in 1970 was either blind or a coward.' Olympian
―Jesse Owens
―Dr. Joy Degruy
After learning about this organization, All of Us or None , from Michelle Alexander's video:
Locked Out of the American Dream
'Any black man who wasn't a militant in 1970 was either blind or a coward.' Olympian
―Jesse Owens
These cycles of oppression leave scars on the victims and victors alike, scars that embed themselves in our collective psyches and are passed down through generations, robbing us of our humanity (Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing).
After learning about this organization, All of Us or None , from Michelle Alexander's video:
Locked Out of the American Dream
I remembered to include the wise words of the late legendary and prophetic artist that people listen to from all over the world. And out of the song here is one impacting verse from Bob Marley – his WAR song.
Dignity is our inherent value and worth as human beings; everyone is born with it.
As we read the fundamental definition and implication of human dignity, we ask ourselves why Blacks in America only fought for Civil Rights and not Equal Rights. In this video Michael Che shares his insights:
,... and discusses about the nonsense people try to pin on BLM, “What is less than matters, can we say that black lives exist?”
Aside from the fact that Blacks felt that their civilized American counterparts were uncivil, they were conditioned to ask for less.
This is one residual effect of the taxing traumas of racism on a community. Based from a Dr Joy de Gruy Leary’s video:
Dr. Joy De Gruy-Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
I have learned that the shame for being black as been ingrained so deep that even after all we have been through with slavery and its post era, the indoctrination tools are still skin deep. We have become hyper sensitive to the way others perceive us.
Despite having ancestors working in the fields like animals throughout the day, we keep hearing the recurring hymn that we are lazy. How insane is that? Most non Whites know about having heard from the grapevine to work twice as hard just to keep the gig.
The oppressors of depressing news must make up their mind, how can we be called lazy when they say that immigrants are stealing jobs (Georges Lopez)? The people who keep affirming these nonsensical statements have to make a choice and it cannot be both.
Despite having ancestors working in the fields like animals throughout the day, we keep hearing the recurring hymn that we are lazy. How insane is that? Most non Whites know about having heard from the grapevine to work twice as hard just to keep the gig.
The oppressors of depressing news must make up their mind, how can we be called lazy when they say that immigrants are stealing jobs (Georges Lopez)? The people who keep affirming these nonsensical statements have to make a choice and it cannot be both.
Despite the health dangers, I have used bleach products on my skin and hair perms. How ignorant I was for putting my health at risk. Even if I wanted to believe that I was stronger than those subliminal earfuls and pretended that I was unaffected, it still impacted me.
Also, the worst part was that I was unaware of what was going on. There were studies which have concluded that traumatic events like ice storms; tsunamis have had tremendous impact on the normal development of children throughout their lifetime.
Also, the worst part was that I was unaware of what was going on. There were studies which have concluded that traumatic events like ice storms; tsunamis have had tremendous impact on the normal development of children throughout their lifetime.
However the way trauma occurs, whether it is through natural events or the aftermath of racism, it has a depressing impacts on individuals who has suffered through it.
There is a paradox between the train of thought of allowing all types of freedom of speech and being intolerant to hate speech.
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Between the people who either pretended or really believed that racism was over, it appeared that lynching started after slavery.
In other words, it seems that each step Blacks make toward equality, there is a nostalgic movement which wants to repeal the progress. If it sounds familiar, it should because The MAGA movement is primarily based on attacking the first African-American President’s legacy.
All of the people who want to believe that racism was over after Obama's was elected for the presidency, having a powerful woman like Opera, all the black athletes with influence, and black entertainers who have money has leveled the playing field is just a Photoshop moment and nothing else.
Or maybe people may need to look behind the curtain of racism one more time and see if they could spot where was the black Waldo.
And this time, it would be wiser to do it through different lenses. Although slavery was over, hierarchical classes has emerged and it has been more devastating than the original form of slavery could have ever been.
Or maybe people may need to look behind the curtain of racism one more time and see if they could spot where was the black Waldo.
And this time, it would be wiser to do it through different lenses. Although slavery was over, hierarchical classes has emerged and it has been more devastating than the original form of slavery could have ever been.
Without being an oxymoron, if a person really understood what racism represented, it would have appalled them how disgusting the new face of slavery in America actually oppresses.
Although the times have changed, the methods of Jim Crow still continue behind a different shade and yet it still came from the same disturbing and traumatic wizard.
The diabolic plan of Jim Crow was to dehumanize Blacks to the point where mistreating them would not even be questioned. Nowadays, the same mistreatment continues by depriving opportunities from Blacks through different subliminal methods.
Instead of investing in education and health, the lack of legal opportunities has people fall prey to debt and other habits which lead to jail.
Coincidentally, many policies seen are just an aggressive effort to put bodies in those empty cells many investors eagerly await for the convincing guaranteed profits to reap in.
Instead of investing in education and health, the lack of legal opportunities has people fall prey to debt and other habits which lead to jail.
Coincidentally, many policies seen are just an aggressive effort to put bodies in those empty cells many investors eagerly await for the convincing guaranteed profits to reap in.
Apparently, racism after slavery was even worst and the dead angled loopholes within rules and laws allowed evil men to continue to build wealth of the backs of Blacks. For the love of money, the root of all evil has continued to show no mercy for towards its victims.
So many people ask themselves, how can people do this to other human beings? A common practice is to use discrediting information to dehumanize a person.
When you demonize somebody, a bull’s eye is put on their back and psychologically it trivializes taking away the humanity of that person and by that same process the oppressor can only proceed by losing his/ hers as well.
When you demonize somebody, a bull’s eye is put on their back and psychologically it trivializes taking away the humanity of that person and by that same process the oppressor can only proceed by losing his/ hers as well.
Something called Cognitive Dissonance may explain slavery and its different roots.
“The occurrence of cognitive dissonance is a consequence of a person's performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs, ideals, and values. (Wikipedia).”
When human beings are doing something bad, the way to counter this mental blockage, which makes them feel poorly, is to find counter thoughts to override those unpleasant feelings.
The blame of the person who committed the crime would find relief. Again, slavery still continues under another umbrella. For instance, the person may say, “How can we be bad when it is them?”
Human beings function better when they are honest with themselves. And when cognitive dissonance occurs too often, it is like high jacking your own emotional wires.
In other words, whether you are the receiver or the indirect giver of a hurtful situation, there are eventually consequences for all sides.
In other words, whether you are the receiver or the indirect giver of a hurtful situation, there are eventually consequences for all sides.
One way supremacists have figured out to distance themselves with the cognitive dissonance of racism was to get someone else to carry that burden (the famous Uncle Tom).
During our modern times, you would think that having blacks mediators doing the PR against their own advancement of equality for all would stop happening; yet, it still continues.
And so many people cannot believe how dumbfounded the situation is. One thing I have learned is that if it happened before, it will happen again.
And so many people cannot believe how dumbfounded the situation is. One thing I have learned is that if it happened before, it will happen again.
This is the impact of Cognitive Dissonance on the brain. As a result, racism becomes as imposing. Oppression is directly proportional to the level of guilt. Furthermore, when you are confronted with a person who refuses to admit guilt, the atrocity will also increase.
The best way to counter attack this phenomenon is to face it head on for people to deal with the guilt. However, the guilt of racism is so strong that white supremacist have transmitted their unconformable feelings onto Blacks.
The best way to counter attack this phenomenon is to face it head on for people to deal with the guilt. However, the guilt of racism is so strong that white supremacist have transmitted their unconformable feelings onto Blacks.
Once again the story is about them and how much they have to protect and preserves their feelings. Unintentionally or not, the problem of the boss who use to be master have a direct impact on their subalterns. As a result, the situation has divided Blacks in which approach to adopt while addressing the situation.
Among the heated fires of confusion, supremacist opportunists have realized how devaluing black leaders was like adding gas to the fire. Such methods reinforce the lubrication to diminish their cognitive dissonance about the whole ordeal.
For instance, normalizing attacks on respectful black figures (BLM and Obama) fits the narrative which liberates their conscience. Like any song we here on the air, the lyrics become second nature. Have you ever used lyrics of a song and realizing afterwards how awkward the level of cursing was prevalent?
Among the heated fires of confusion, supremacist opportunists have realized how devaluing black leaders was like adding gas to the fire. Such methods reinforce the lubrication to diminish their cognitive dissonance about the whole ordeal.
For instance, normalizing attacks on respectful black figures (BLM and Obama) fits the narrative which liberates their conscience. Like any song we here on the air, the lyrics become second nature. Have you ever used lyrics of a song and realizing afterwards how awkward the level of cursing was prevalent?
Since Awareness is as critically important as the air we breathe, we need to find ways to stay woke.
Therefore, it is so quintessential to understand that one of the reason racism is still going strong is because the Ego refuses to confess.
Instead, it is a mental ping-pong game between arrogance and denial. All these psychological back flips are only smoke screams which are deflecting the real issue.
For instance when Kaepernick took a knee, did they talk about the reasons of the protest. Of course not, it was all about the flag and how he was disrespecting those who fought for freedom. Despite the fact that protesting peacefully represents liberty and justice for all.
For instance when Kaepernick took a knee, did they talk about the reasons of the protest. Of course not, it was all about the flag and how he was disrespecting those who fought for freedom. Despite the fact that protesting peacefully represents liberty and justice for all.
It’s like going to the hospital for a cancer test and the nurse kept telling you about her headaches.
Based on her premise, her inability to show up, for her shift, because she is irreplaceable, the hospital would have to close and if the place closed down… no service for you. Thus, it has and will be all about her and only her headaches. So forget about your cancer screening because her headaches are stopping traffic.
Based on her premise, her inability to show up, for her shift, because she is irreplaceable, the hospital would have to close and if the place closed down… no service for you. Thus, it has and will be all about her and only her headaches. So forget about your cancer screening because her headaches are stopping traffic.
After several tweaks and adjustments the new version of racism has comfortably infused so well within the law, some people fail to see its presence.
And sadly, most of the people who are establishing the laws, aside from being mostly White, are like those who wrote history, they are looking for establishing ego driven bills which will relatively undermine the actions of their ancestors (for their cognitive dissonance once again).
And sadly, most of the people who are establishing the laws, aside from being mostly White, are like those who wrote history, they are looking for establishing ego driven bills which will relatively undermine the actions of their ancestors (for their cognitive dissonance once again).
Similarly to bullies, their actions are mostly oriented toward protecting their extremely sensitive feelings.
And they usually find fearful people to hang out with them because being with a bully gives them a sense of protection regardless if they have to turn their backs on their friends.
And they usually find fearful people to hang out with them because being with a bully gives them a sense of protection regardless if they have to turn their backs on their friends.
The scariest thing with those who are like bullies is how much they are afraid of you. In fact, it is one of the most dangerous situations you can find yourself in. And unfortunately, scared people use this card to play the victim.
I only have a few questions for anybody who wants to brush racism aside under a rug, tell me why it is okay to remember 9/11, the holocaust, Hiroshima, and talking about black oppression is fowl? Why is that?
Is it because Blacks are so strong? Thus, if we were so strong; then, how can we be inferior? Obviously, the previous question was a rhetorical one?
Scientifically, for those who believe in the climate crisis and other sciences, there has only been one race and there has no scientific existence of a superior or inferior ethnic group.
How come we are so excited to say tonight we are eating Chinese or Italian, yet, we never show this level of enthusiasm about other cultures. Is it only me who feels that we have so much more than our food to share with one another.
Is it because Blacks are so strong? Thus, if we were so strong; then, how can we be inferior? Obviously, the previous question was a rhetorical one?
Scientifically, for those who believe in the climate crisis and other sciences, there has only been one race and there has no scientific existence of a superior or inferior ethnic group.
How come we are so excited to say tonight we are eating Chinese or Italian, yet, we never show this level of enthusiasm about other cultures. Is it only me who feels that we have so much more than our food to share with one another.
— How interested are you to find out about more than different culinary treats from your fellow man?
— What do you feel we need to work on to make the first step?
— What do you think is making it so hard to reach out and empathize with another human being?
— What are your questions, tell us how you feel about seeing people fight for a cause that, for you, may be more foreign than their ethnicity?
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