Saturday, November 11, 2017

I recommend CBC Montreal


When most youth have no idea how racism still continue to affect, this is what happens:

As a person who feels that racism is brushed under the rug, I was pleasantly reassured to hear on several platforms the story, through CBC Montreal, of Anthony Griffin and how he died, and for that I am grateful to have received the information!

I recommend that people like this page:

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Course Municipal Historique au Canada

Briser le Plafond de Verre Comme Jamais Auparavant

Lorsque j’étais à l’école, la seule fois qu'une femme fut été mon professeur préféré était en troisième année. Jusqu'à ce que j’ai entamée le programme de Technicien d'Éducation Spécialisée (TES), dont j’ai récemment gradué il y a deux ans, j’ai eu trois autres femmes en tant que mes professeurs préférés en moins de deux ans du curriculum.

Sans faire une analyse extensive, à travers les leçons du programme de TES, je suis devenu conscient de l’importance d’une représentation équitable à des postes de haut niveau.

Hier soir, lundi le 6 novembre 2017, le plafond de verre a été brisé pour toute la province de Québec. Cet obstacle officieux à l’avancement par l’intermédiaire des chances équitables pour beaucoup de femmes et de membres des minorités a été écrasé plus de quelques fois par ces femmes : Valérie Plante in MontréalSylvieParent in LongueuilDorren Assaad in Brossardand Josée Néron in Saguenay.

Une des raisons principales qui m’ont beaucoup plut avec ces résultats était, car bien que j’ai reconnu que l’égalité est comme courir après une licorne, en tant que société, ont devrait alors supporter l’équité.

Comme société, nous avons été conditionnés à être les meilleurs et la victoire, la victoire, victoire... alors que le coût de nos succès futile se produisait généralement au détriment des autres. La vie n’a pas été équitable et la plupart des gens l’ont appris d’une manière ou d’une autre.

Pourtant, lorsque nous avons examiné le Osani Circle Game (Jeu de Cercle de Osani des enfants en Afrique) si on s’en inspirait, la vie aurait pu prendre une tournure complètement différente. Imaginez un instant que si la vie était une course et que l’objectif était de s’assurer que tout les gens atteignent la ligne d’arrivée plutôt que juste de gagner la course.

Le meilleur exemple qui me vient à l’esprit était quand les hommes de l’équipe Jamaïcaine de Bobsleigh ont franchi la ligne d’arrivée. La société a besoin d’un changement de paradigme en échangeant l’état d’esprit de gagner à tout prix contre franchi la ligne d’arrivée ENSEMBLE.

La plupart des gens qui ont de la difficulté à saisir ce concept sont simplement inconscients, tout comme je l’étais lorsque je recevais le message d’oppression toxique et nocif des différents groupes de personnes. Par le biais de la vidéo ci-dessous, j’ai compris pourquoi mon cerveau n’a pas pu interpréter les donnés. Ainsi, je vous laisse profiter de cet outil d’apprentissage sur une prise de conscience altérée.

StudentsLearn A Powerful Lesson About Privilege

Une des autres raisons pourquoi j’ai été très satisfait de ces résultats a été parce que nous avons pu voir l’acceptation d’une perspective différente. Par exemple, même si l’avocat a été mon fruit préféré, de temps en temps il aurait été très favorablement astucieux de consommer d’autres plantes et ajouter différents types d’aliments.

En dépit des pratiques discriminatoires institutionnelles, en fin de compte, c’est nous les gens qui ont le pouvoir de créer le changement que nous voulons. J’espère que le message a été fort et clair ; les gens ont voulu donner à d’autres personnes qui ont les compétentes une chance équitable.

En outre, il a été très satisfaisant de savoir que les parents des petites filles pourraient profiter de cet événement historique comme un modèle pour donner des ailes à leurs rêves. Tout au long de l’histoire, face aux défis complexes, il a seulement fallu qu’une personne le fasse pour créer ce que le changement que les gens avaient besoin de voir. En outre, cette instance a soulevé les enjeux à un niveau supérieur où la personne qui aspire à occuper ce poste doit donner son meilleur et ne pas rien prendre pour acquis.

Une des autres raisons qui ont atteintes mon niveau de satisfaction fut que les personnes qui ont été marginalisés, à même que brièvement, comprennent les besoins des gens d’une manière différente qu’une personne qui viendrait d’une position de privilège.

À titre d’illustration, une personne qui vient d’un milieu de privilège, comme Denis Coderre, axé sur la création de routes pour ceux qui ont des voitures en contraste a une personne qui songe à améliorer le système de métro qui touche plus de personnes marginalisées (la ligne rose me fait voir vie en rose).

Plusieurs personnes pleuraient. Lorsque la justice l’a emporté sur l’oppression, il était inévitable pour les gens d’être rien de moins que d’être très émotif.

Et ultiment, deux femmes on créer de nouveaux sentiers pour éclairer de nouveaux sentiers pour les jeunes filles à aspirer: Valérie Plante est devenue la première femme à être nommée maire à Montréal et Josée Néro a été la première femme maire de Saguenay.

La variété est le piment de la vie et sans les femmes et les autres minorités, la vie n’aurait aucun gout. Alors maintenant la question que je veux vous quitter avec est,

— Quel genre de course voulez-vous participer?



Champagne, S. (2017, November 5). La mathématicienne DoreenAssaad devient mairesse de Brossard. La PresseRetrieved November 6 2017 from

Fragasso-Marquis, V. (2017, November 5). Élections municipales:plusieurs surprises et deux femmes pionnières. La Presse Canadienne. Retrieved November 6 2017 from

Gundappa, S. (2013, April 02). “How can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?” Inspiration, life, Love, Meditation, motivation.  Retrieved November 10 2017 from

Shingler, B. (2017, November 5). ValériePlante elected mayor of Montreal, beating out Denis Coderre. CBC News. Retrieved November 6 2017 from

Links Utiles:


The Osani Circle Game

ValériePlante elected mayor of Montreal, beating out Denis Coderre

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Historical Municipal Race in Canada

Breaking the Glass Ceiling Like Never Before

When I was in school, the only time a woman has ever been my favorite teacher was in grade three. Until I took the Special Care  Counseling Program (SCC), which I have recently graduated from two years ago, I had three additional women as my favorite teachers before the end of the curriculum. 

Without overanalyzing it, through the SCC lessons, I became cognizant about the importance of equitable representation at high level positions.

Yesterday, on Monday the 6th of November 2017, the glass ceiling has been broken throughout the province of Québec. This unofficial obstacle to the advancement through equitable opportunities for many women and members of minorities has been crushed more than a few times by these women: Valérie Plante in Montréal, SylvieParent in Longueuil, Dorren Assaad in Brossard, and Josée Néron in Saguenay.

The primary reason that made me very satisfied with the result was because although I acknowledged that equality was like chasing a unicorn, we as a society ought to stand for equity.

As a society, we were thought to be the best and win, win, win… while the cost of our futile success usually occurred at the expense of others. Life has not been fair and most people have figured that the hard way or another. 

Yet, when we looked at the Osani Circle Game (the children in Africa) for inspiration, life could have taken a different turn. Imagine for a minute that if life was a race and that the goal was to make sure that we all get to the finish line rather than just to win the race.

The best example of this that came to mind was when the Jamaican Bobsleigh team men crossed the finish line. Society needs to have a paradigm shift by exchanging the mindset of wining at all cost with crossing the finish line TOGETHER.

Most people who have a harder time grasping this concept are unaware like I was about the need to alter the toxic and harmful message I was receiving regarding to ignore the oppression of different groups of people. Through the video below, I figured out why my brain was unable to register. Thus, I will let you enjoy this enlightening awareness learning tool.

StudentsLearn A Powerful Lesson About Privilege

One of the other reasons why I was very satisfied with these results was because we got to see the acceptance of a different perspective. For instance, even if avocados were my favorite, once in a while it would have been very good to go through the spectrum of  plants and add different type of fruits

Despite institutional discriminatory practices, in the end, it was we the people who have the power to make a change as we saw fit. I hope that the message was loud in clear; people wanted to give other competent people equitable opportunities.

Additionally, it was very satisfying to know that the parents of little girls could benefit from this historical event as a model to spark their dreams. Throughout history, it has only taken one to create that change that people needed to see. Furthermore, this instance has raised the game to a level where the person who aspires to fill this position to bring their A game and not ever take the position for granted.

Another reason why my level of satisfaction was met was because individuals, who have been marginalized, even if it was briefly, really understood and were more attuned to the needs of people in a different way that a person who came from a privilege position has yet to be emotionally displayed. 

As an illustration, a person of privilege, like Denis Coderre, focused on creating more roads for people who own cars while a person who has understood marginalization was thinking about improving the metro system which affects more people (the pink line makes me see life in pink).

Several people were crying. When justice prevailed over oppression, it was inevitable for people to be anything less than being very emotive.

It has been a long time coming for that ceiling to be broken in such fashion during the municipal elections with Doreen Assaad, it was the first time since 30 years for a woman to lead this party in the city of Brossard. And ultimately, two women blazed new trails for young girls to aspire to: Valérie Plante became the first women to be named mayor in Montréal and Josée Néro has been the first woman mayor of Saguenay.   

Variety is the spice of life and without women and other minorities, life would be plain. So now the question that I want to leave you with is,

—What kind of race do you want to be part of?


Works Cited

Champagne, S. (2017, November 5). La mathématicienne DoreenAssaad devient mairesse de Brossard. La PresseRetrieved November 6 2017 from

Fragasso-Marquis, V. (2017, November 5). Élections municipales:plusieurs surprises et deux femmes pionnières. La Presse Canadienne. Retrieved November 6 2017 from

Gundappa, S. (2013, April 02). “How can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?” Inspiration, life, Love, Meditation, motivation.  Retrieved November 10 2017 from

Shingler, B. (2017, November 5). ValériePlante elected mayor of Montreal, beating out Denis Coderre. CBC News. Retrieved November 6 2017 from

Useful Links:


The Osani Circle Game

ValériePlante elected mayor of Montreal, beating out Denis Coderre

Monday, October 23, 2017

How Can Descendants of Slave Masters Tell Descendants of Slaves...

One of the reasons why I really enjoy social media groups is because out of these virtual conversations, someone will shed light on something that concerned you with an emotional decoder. So, for that I am sincerely grateful to have read W. N's inquisitive response; I deeply felt that it needed to be blogged because it deserved some undivided attention.

It felt as if a great DJ remixed a song and I felt that people must hear this version because it was essentially dope like oxygen.

From responses such as slavery was really a long time ago, it was not so bad after all, it was not our doing. And yet, this new altered version still holds the old similar rhetoric that our lives have less value and that our suffering is unimportant.

So many people fail to grasp the impact and make the link that each injustice is rooted from the same cause. Basically, it is about one party claiming, feeling, and acting like that it is superior to the other(s).

This is the kind of belief that must be stopped (at all cost). By any means necessary this mindset must be eradicated because the consequences are to costing for society to continue on this biosocial psychopathologic path.

For instance, in the late incident with Weinstein, so many people were complaining why it took so long for people to come forward. The first thing with justice is that it is an entity that takes time. And now with that being written, does it really matter how long it took for people to speak. It is to each his/her own to come forward when the readiness meets the speaker.

After a traumatic event each person responds differently. Imagine that you had lost your ring and someone brought it to you a month or a year after, would you critic the length of time it took the person that brought it to you. Instead, you would rejoice and then asked them how they miraculously found you.

What is the link with this story? Wait for it because it is about to come. So, now this situation becomes like the NFL protest and people who experienced this traumatic experience need to deal with ridiculous backlash of  divergent deflecting debates. It is either when and where can players protest and voice their concerns, or how long people who have been raped have before it is too late to make a complaint. 

If that did not sound ridiculous to you is because without knowing it or not, you are an oppressor or you support the oppressive culture.

The main reason why it is quintessential to fight oppression is because it creates classification. While those who believed that abuse had an expiration date, it turned that they were ignored because they were considered less than worthy to be heard.

Until it was people who came from a privileged sphere that the cause became a serious issue (Gabrielle Union).

The same thing happened with the cocaine and crack addiction:

The NBA has the slogan, “This Is Why We Play.” So, our activist slogan is, “This Is Why We Fight.”

→We Fight to give a voice and show that we are not voiceless.

→We Fight to say that our lives have value.

→We Fight because we are sick and tired of waiting for it to become a [whiteness: elite or privilege] problem to be deemed worthy.

Until we have an honest conversation, because we have had plenty of discussions without authenticity before, injustice will prevail and all these laws that we have are just a veil of hypocrisy for those who have enough lawyer power to defend their cause and quiet the less fortunate.

How do you feel about the fact that depending on who claims the same injustice, and yet the reaction is somehow different?

I have this incredible ring story for those who are interested: just respond with #Lostringstory.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Should Racism be in the DSM?

What is the DSM? 

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) for those who are unfamiliar with it:

More than  half a century ago, during the 1950's and 60's, the question of extreme racism as opposed to prejudice has ignited the question on the mental health state of racist people who physically acted out on their delusional deviance.  

Since the condition has ever been so prevalent, most of you know how that meeting went. Nonetheless, let us revisit the reason why this mental illness was rejected. Aside from the fact that it was not a threat for the majority, the claim was dismissed because of the prevalence of racist people. 

Basically, it was deemed to be a cultural issue and not a mental disorder. Despite all the facts, such as the delusional desire to eradicate through genocide and several other methods directed toward a particular group, the motion was denied.

Ultimately, when adults believe in a fallacy which makes them externalize their fear and disappointments on minorities, it is time to reevaluate the DSM like psychiatrist do with patients.